“Jokes for the Folks”

    Summer officially begins today! With the advent of this season one can expect hot jokes, right? Maybe. But today’s “Jokes for the Folks” contain selections that prove without a doubt that heat softens the brain resulting in even worse jokes than you’ve read in this column in the winter and the spring.


A very famous professor of anatomy chooses one of his classes to prove an important theory of his. He puts a frog on the table in front of him and commands the frog, “J U M P !” The frog takes a giant leap. He then cuts off the legs of the frog and announces, “And now class, I’m going to prove my thesis.” The professor puts the frog on the desk and commands, “J U M P !” The poor frog makes no move. The teacher says, “You see, class, I have just demonstrated my theory…if you cut off a frog’s legs it cannot hear.”


The cantor of one of the largest synagogues in Houston was berated by his rabbi. “You should be ashamed of yourself – and you, a chazzan of all people!” The cantor was confused, “But what did I do?” “Not you, your children. They were tormenting that poor man who is educationally challenged, unable to hold down a job, depressed and besides himself.” The chazzan responded, “Rabbi, they don’t make fun of him because of his mental condition. The man goes into the garbage at all hours of the day and night and quite frankly smells. I assure you, Rabbi, if you were the local mizkayn (poor soul) you would be gratified with the respect my children would have for you!”


“The nerve of that woman!” said Renee, “That neighbor mine called me an old fool!”  “Well,” said her sister Janet, “at least we know she’s a filthy liar! You’re not even forty yet!”


Then there was the man who lost his wallet and his brother found it. Now he’s looking for his brother.


In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, someone broke into the Bank of Israel and stole one million shekels…in pledges.