It happened! I’m so excited! And it happened of all places in Dunkin’ (formerly Dunkin’ Donuts, which I prefer over Krispy Kreme, but that’s another matter entirely). What happened?? For the first time in months, maybe a year or more, someone actually said, “YOU’RE WELCOME!”
Can you imagine! There was no “No problem!” Or “No worries” or “OK” or even a “Thank you” back at me….NO! It was a real, “You’re Welcome!” Yes, I did write about this around last Thanksgiving, how the disappearance of the response is more mysterious than was the disappearance of Judge Crater 90 years ago this past August!
Just as we expect a “Thank you!” when we do something that deserves recognition, so should we say “You’re welcome” when we respond. Anything other than that implies “You’re lucky I didn’t consider your request a major burden that I could easily have refused,” which, I believe, is what “No problem” says; or “You’re lucky that what I did caused not a bit of anxiety for me,” requiring the other annoying, “No worries!”
Thanksgiving is the day we say “Thank you!” to God, or the universe, or nature, or whatever you feel is the source of your blessings. Can you just imagine a booming voice from the heavens responding, “N O W O R R I E S !”? Of course, we shouldn’t expect a response necessarily but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t give thanks for everything that’s been given to us. Even – no, ESPECIALLY – during these uncertain days we cannot take anything for granted. A nice hearty, warm, meaningful, sincere “Thank You!” is in order.
(And should you somehow hear a “You’re welcome!” from on High, know your appreciation was well-received)
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours...You’re welcome!