“Voting for ‘What’s Good for Israel’?? and Other Thoughts”

  How often have I heard that Jews should vote for a candidate based on “what’s good for Israel”! I’ve told those very same people that the criterion should be “what’s good for American citizens, whether or not they’re Jewish!” And to a few friends who wear blinders, I’ve added, “Until you make aliyah making Israel your home, you had better realize how your freedoms can be challenged, indeed threatened, by our government’s actions. If you believe so strongly that what’s good for Israel is always good for American Jews, you’re sorely mistaken.”

  “What I care about is what’s good for ME,” is sadly the position of the president, good at faking concern but caring not a farthing about anyone else, including, i.m.h.o., his family. Yes, that’s pretty extreme on my part, but so be it. He is so clever at making people believe that compassion and concern are a hallmark of his personality. “If I can get their vote, I’ll move our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. If it can get a few more votes of those ‘Jews’, I’ll move it to Timbuktu if they want.” I do believe motivation is important to consider; the ends don’t always justify the means, as we know so well.

   The other day I wrote a few pieces, poetry or otherwise, one of which I’d like to share with you. I want to stress as I did during the Holydays, that as far as I’m concerned, my words relate to ETHICAL issues. Of course, they are tied to political considerations, but you should know that I’ve voted for candidates of BOTH major parties, including president. Overall, I look at the person…and the Supreme Court.


How Sad


How sad that so many, far too many, are fools

Not for their party but for their blindness to evil

Sad that what they wouldn’t abide in their children

They abide in the one

Who laughs at them

Who lies

Sad that they know it deep in their hearts

Sadder that they don’t care