First Step Donations
In May, the Sisterhood assembled pool/beach bags for the women at First Step and their children. Kids received pool and beach toy kits.
First Step Donations
The sisterhood filled two carts with gifts for moms and kids.
First Step Donations
Women got a cute beach bag with a towel, a cap, sun screen, sunglasses, flip flops and a water bottle.
Torah Study
Rabbinic Intern Dyme leading Torah Study with the district board of WRJ, who honored us by choosing to hold their spring board meeting at Beth El
Bake Sale
The sisterhood bake sale at the pizza bingo event (in front of the Gift Shop).
Pesach 2019
Pesach Seder 2019
despite horrible weather predictions, it was a tremendous turnout!
Avoid, Deny, Defend safety session
arranged by Sisterhood member Leslie Ney, for the congregation, and presented by HPD Sgt. Grubbs
Marlene, Margee, Sherri and Judy at WRJ regional convention March 2023