The Caring Committee of Winchester’s Beth El Congregation had a very interesting list of suggestions for us as we bust loose from the confines of the house. As it states, “Reuniting with family and friends is exciting, but remember to take time for yourself. I thought it would be good for this Beth El membership to consider:
Every day I will…
- Move my body
- Drink water
- Eat fresh fruits and vegetables
- Unplug for one hour before I go to bed…or when I first wake up, or after dinner, whenever. Just unplug.
Once a week I will…
- Connect with a friend, a phone call or virtual visit
- Say aloud or write down three things for which I’m grateful
- Take time to think about them while sipping tea
- Do something outside: a walk or just sit and let the sun shine on your face
- Claim a win for myself: a big win or a small win, any win will do.
Once a month I will…
- Take a one-day break from social media and news
- Start or finish a new book
- Write a letter to someone I love (not an email but one requiring a stamp)
- Send a card to a kid; they love getting mail
- Attend a Torah study or other Jewish class. There are plenty to be found online or one offered by the Temple.
If those suggestions aren’t “Torah” I don’t know what is!