Saturday, January 16, 10:00-11:00
Bo Exodus Chapter 10:1-Chapter 13:16 - B’shalach Chapter 13:17-Chapter 17:16
These two Torah portions highlight the plagues sent upon the Egyptians, the laws of the Passover sacrifice and the stirring Shirat Ha-yam, the Song of the Sea, “sung” by the children of Israel upon their safe arrival on the better side of the Sea of Reeds. It is at that point it can be said our ancestors recognized that they indeed were now a nation, at the moment without a country but about to travel to what has been called the Promised Land. Here are some questions to consider in our discussion:
- What does “hardening Pharaoh’s heart” mean, and why did God do this? (10:1)
- “Go worship the Eternal your God” is what Pharaoh thought they would do. How do we know that the Israelites had more on their minds? (10:7-11)
- Pharaoh says, “Be gone from me! Take care not to see me again, for the moment you look upon my face you shall die.” Moses’ response was terrific, perhaps the ultimate irony. (10:28-29)
- “…borrow…objects of silver and gold.” They would return them?
- Some say the Divine decision to kill the first-born was heartless. Your thoughts? (11:4 ff)
- What is the meaning of “the beginning of the months,” when we know Tishri (Rosh Hashanah) is the “head of the year”? (12:1 ff)
- Let’s look at the ritual and how it has evolved (12:3 ff)
- “…a festival to the Eternal throughout the ages.” Does this signify acknowledgment by God of the eternality of our People? (12:14 ff and 13:1 ff)
- A reading of Shirat Ha-yam, The Song of the Sea. (chapter 15)
- What did God think about all the celebration of the redeemed Israelites (Remind me to tell you what our sages had to say in their midrash about the “angels” and the drowned Egyptians)? What do you think?
- Do Jews complain (see Chapter 16:1-8)