A Shabbat Word! thanks

I’m sure you’ve seen this but if not I’m glad I’m the one who’s introducing it to you...

Trump lost the presidency but by doing so, he has allowed ...
> A Jewish Senate Majority Leader (Schumer) to replace Mitch McConnell,
> A Jewish White House Chief of Staff (Klain),
> A Jewish Attorney General (Garland),
> A Jewish Secretary of State (Blinken) & Deputy Secretary of State 
> (Sherman),
> A Jewish Director of Homeland Security (Mayorkas),
> A Jewish Federal Reserve Chairwoman (Yellen),
> A Jewish Covid Coordinator (Zients),
> A Jewish CDC Director (Walensky),
> A Jewish Member of Council of Economic Advisors (Bernstein),
> and don't forget a Vice President (whose husband & kids are Jewish).*
> Joe Biden (whose nickname is the "mensch") is appointing this Jewish 
> "minyan",
> which includes the top-tier, most important and influential government 
> positions!
> *NOTE: By now, you likely know all about Kamala Harris’s husband, 
> Jewish dad and future Second Gentleman (Second Dude?)
> Doug “Dougie” Emhoff. Not only is he the spouse of the first-ever 
> woman to serve as Vice President of the United States,
> he’s also the first Jewish person to fill this role. Such naches! But 
> as an ardent observer of all things political, I would be
> remiss to overlook President-elect Joe Biden’s Jewish relatives — of 
> which there are many. In fact, all three of his kids
> married into Jewish families — which means Biden is the grandfather of 
> some pretty adorable Jewish kids.